Sudoku Solver is a compact and simple application that allows you to solve sudoku puzzles in a snap. The user interface looks pretty old, but it is OK considering that this is one of the oldest versions of this program available. If you are looking for more, you can also try the other versions or buy the full one, but they will all do the same with more or less functions. Indeed, if you are not a heavy sudoku player, this java version may be just fine. The program is really easy to use. You just enter the numbers of the sudoku you want to solve in the grid and press GO, or f5. It will almost instantly provide the solution, which you can save to your PC, send as an email to a friend or copy to a text file. You can even save grids at any time, even if the puzzle is not complete. However, there's one limitation, you can only solve sudoku that are up 9x9 in size. If you are a heavy sudoku player, I'm sure you will be delighted to have an application like this to solve or check any sudoku you encounter.